People usually get worried when they notice a bunch of hair clogging the bathtub, or when hair fall off when brushed, or even worse when they wake up and see a handful of hair on their pillow. Their concern worsens if the loss is observed for an extended period of time.

Data on hair

2. dedomena gia trixes

• Hair consists of two structures: the follicle and the shaft.
• The follicle: nourished by blood vessels and thus providing nutrients to the growing part of hair.
• The shafts: the visible part consists of three layers of a protein called keratin.
• Hair cells are rapidly divided.
• Hair cells are divided every 23 to 72 hours, and thereby grow by 0.3- 0.4mm daily.
• Each person experiences normal loss of 50- 100 hair per day.
• Seasonal hair loss: not only leaves fall in autumn, but our hair too.
• During October and November, the hair cycle ends and hair are renewed.
• One out of four women will have brittle hair once in her life.
• One out of two men will experience hair loss until the age of 50.
• The hair loss may be caused by: stress, hormonal fluctuations, genetic factors, disease or unbalanced diet.

You may not be able to change your genes and thus prevent any hair loss inherited from your parents, but on your part you can nourish your hair in the best possible way to prevent unexpected losses. The role of nutrition in hair health has been studied for several years and it has been observed that specific nutrients are necessary for bright color & strong hair. The most important of these nutrients are: the amino acids, iron, vitamin C, biotin, and other B vitamins, zinc, copper and selenium.

If you notice any changes in the quality or consistency of your hair, consider including the following foods in your weekly diet plan.


3. ospria

Lentils, beans, and other legumes are considered excellent choices for your hair. That is because they contain a combination of different nutrients such as folic acid, iron, zinc and copper. Folic acid is necessary for the division of cells, and remember that your hair grow at the impressive rate of 0.5 mm a day!
Tip: Legumes cannot only be cooked in a soup, they can turn a salad into a complete meal, they can also be used as a sandwich ingredient if pureed, or they are the perfect dip for vegetables.


4. auga

They have a bad reputation as a food because of their cholesterol content. However today we know that if you follow an otherwise healthy diet, even in case of elevated blood lipids, you can consume about 3 eggs per week. In regards to hair, egg yolk is considered one of the best sources of biotin, a vitamin which holds a crucial role in hair structure the structure of hair.
Tip: To avoid extra fat when cooking eggs, prefer an oven omelet or a hard boiled instead of a fried or scrambled eggs.


5. ksiroi karpoi

Nuts are rich in copper, a trace element necessary for proper hair pigmentation. Pine nuts are considered the best source of copper. Moreover hazelnuts are rich in another vitamin which contributes in hair health, vitamin E, while only 1 Brazilian peanut provides you with all the selenium needed for the day, making your hair shine.

Tip: Remember that you should not overdo it with nuts, a handful or about 15 kernels is one serving.

Leafy green vegetables:


They are a good source of many nutrients such as vitamin C and folic acid. Worth of mentioning is the amount of iron found in leafy green vegetables classifying them, along with legumes, as the best plant sources of this element. However, it is important to remember that other nutrients in leafy green vegetables, such as fiber & oxalates, prevent iron absorption. Thus these foods can only be used as a complementary iron source.

Tip: Lettuce is not the only green vegetable available. Spinach, radishes, chard, curly lettuce, rocket, mustard greens etc. are some other great options. Remember that in order to better absorb non-heme iron you must add a source of vitamin C, such as lemon juice or some peppers.

 Colored peppers:


Red and yellow peppers are one of the best sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis of both collagen and keratin in your hair. Elasticity and strength of your hair depend on the adequacy of this vitamin.

Tip: Other good sources of vitamin C are broccoli, potatoes, strawberries and citrus fruit.


Oysters are known for their aphrodisiac properties, which are attributed to zinc. However, the same micronutrient is essential for healthy hair, as it activates a large number of enzymes in the human body. Zinc deficiency has been associated with premature graying of hair. Other foods sources of zinc are poultry and eggs.

Tip: Consume oysters while they are still fresh, however you can store them for 2 to 3 days in the coldest part of your refrigerator.

Chicken or red meat:


Red or white meat are a source of many different ingredients which nourish hair. For instance they are rich in the form of iron (heme) optimally absorbed by the human body, zinc, B vitamins etc. Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world, and affects 9-16% of women of childbearing age. The role of iron in hair has long been established, with hair loss being one of the most common symptoms of anemia.

Perhaps their most important nutrient for hair health is protein. As we have already seen hair are formed by keratin, a protein which uses as a building block the amino acid cysteine. Scientific studies have shown that administration of L- cysteine, reduces hair loss and promotes hair renewal. The efficacy of L- cysteine ​​is greater when combined with B vitamins.

Tip: The richest source of L- cysteine ​​is red meat, followed by chicken and fish. If you cook meat at high temperatures you might destroy cysteine. Therefore cook well, but do not overcook your steak.


They are superfoods for hair as they contain significant amounts of most of the components mentioned above: B vitamins, copper, zinc, selenium and protein.

Tip: The majority of the nutrients in the grain are stored in the bran and the germ of the kernel, i.e. the portions removed during processing. What ultimately remains in white bread or pasta is the starchy and less nutritious endosperm.

To support your diet and therefore the health of your hair, consider using a natural food supplement which contains the ingredients mentioned above, or for even better results a combination of those.

Whole Grains Council. Whole Grains: An Important Source of Essential Nutrients. Last accessed 31/3/2015.
2. Nut Health. Last accessed 31/3/2015.
3. Finner AM. Nutrition and hair: deficiencies and supplements. Dermatol Clin. 2013 Jan;31(1):167-72. doi: 10.1016/j.det.2012.08.015. Epub 2012 Oct 18. Review. 3. Goldberg LJ1, Lenzy Y. Nutrition and hair. Clin Dermatol. 2010 Jul-Aug;28(4):412-9. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2010.03.038.